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Ameen, C., T. R. Feuerborn, S. K. Brown, A. Linderholm, A. Hulme-Beaman, O. Lebrasseur, M. S. Sinding, et al. 2019. “Specialized Sledge Dogs Accompanied Inuit Dispersal Across the North American Arctic.” Proc Biol Sci 286 (1916): 20191929.

Aramendi, Julia, Miguel Angel Maté-González, José Yravedra, María Cruz Ortega, Mari Carmen Arriaza, Diego González-Aguilera, Enrique Baquedano, and Manuel Domínguez-Rodrigo. 2017. “Discerning Carnivore Agency Through the Three-Dimensional Study of Tooth Pits: Revisiting Crocodile Feeding Behaviour at Flk- Zinj and Flk Nn3 (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania).” Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 488: 93–102.

Archer, Will, and David R. Braun. 2010. “Variability in Bifacial Technology at Elandsfontein, Western Cape, South Africa: A Geometric Morphometric Approach.” Journal of Archaeological Science 37 (1): 201–9.

Archer, Will, Philipp Gunz, Karen L. van Niekerk, Christopher S. Henshilwood, and Shannon P. McPherron. 2015. “Diachronic Change Within the Still Bay at Blombos Cave, South Africa.” PLoS One 10 (7): e0132428.

Archer, Will, Cornel M. Pop, Philipp Gunz, and Shannon P. McPherron. 2016. “What Is Still Bay? Human Biogeography and Bifacial Point Variability.” Journal of Human Evolution 97: 58–72.

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Buchanan, Briggs, and Mark Collard. 2010. “A Geometric Morphometrics-Based Assessment of Blade Shape Differences among Paleoindian Projectile Point Types from Western North America.” Journal of Archaeological Science 37 (2): 350–59.

Buchanan, Briggs, Mark Collard, Marcus J. Hamilton, and Michael J. O’Brien. 2011. “Points and Prey: A Quantitative Test of the Hypothesis that Prey Size Influences early Paleoindian Projectile Point Form.” Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (4): 852–64.

Buchanan, Briggs, Mark Collard, and Michael J. O’Brien. 2019. “Geometric Morphometric Analyses Support Incorporating the Goshen Point Type into Plainview.” American Antiquity 85 (1): 171–81.

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Charlin, Judith, Marcelo Cardillo, and Karen Borrazzo. 2014. “Spatial Patterns in Late Holocene Lithic Projectile Point Technology of Tierra Del Fuego (Southern South America): Assessing Size and Shape Changes.” World Archaeology 46 (1): 78–100.

Ciarlo, Nicolás C., Judith Charlin, Jimena Alberti, Silvana Buscaglia, Gustau Vivar Lombarte, and Rut Geli Mauri. 2019. “Size and Shape Analysis of Gunflints from the British Shipwreck Deltebre I (1813), Catalonia, Spain: A Geometric Morphometric Comparison of Unused and Used Artefacts.” Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11 (12): 6569–82.

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Cornette, Raphaël, Anthony Herrel, Emmanuelle Stoetzel, Sibyle Moulin, Rainer Hutterer, Christiane Denys, and Michel Baylac. 2015. “Specific Information Levels in Relation to Fragmentation Patterns of Shrew Mandibles: Do Fragments Tell the Same Story?” Journal of Archaeological Science 53: 323–30.

Corny, J., M. Galland, M. Arzarello, A. M. Bacon, F. Demeter, D. Grimaud-Herve, C. Higham, et al. 2017. “Dental Phenotypic Shape Variation Supports a Multiple Dispersal Model for Anatomically Modern Humans in Southeast Asia.” Journal of Human Evolution 112: 41–56.

Courtenay, L. A., M. A. Mate-Gonzalez, J. Aramendi, J. Yravedra, D. Gonzalez-Aguilera, and M. Dominguez-Rodrigo. 2018. “Testing Accuracy in 2D and 3D Geometric Morphometric Methods for Cut Mark Identification and Classification.” PeerJ 6: e5133.

Courtenay, Lloyd A., Jose Yravedra, Miguel Ángel Mate-González, Julia Aramendi, and Diego González-Aguilera. 2017. “3D Analysis of Cut Marks Using a New Geometric Morphometric Methodological Approach.” Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11 (2): 651–65.

Courtenay, Lloyd A., José Yravedra, Julia Aramendi, Miguel Ángel Maté-González, David M. Martín-Perea, David Uribelarrea, Enrique Baquedano, Diego González-Aguilera, and Manuel Domínguez-Rodrigo. 2019. “Cut Marks and Raw Material Exploitation in the Lower Pleistocene Site of Bell’s Korongo (Bk, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania): A Geometric Morphometric Analysis.” Quaternary International 526: 155–68.

Courtenay, Lloyd A., José Yravedra, Rosa Huguet, Julia Aramendi, Miguel Ángel Maté-González, Diego González-Aguilera, and Mari Carmen Arriaza. 2019. “Combining Machine Learning Algorithms and Geometric Morphometrics: A Study of Carnivore Tooth Marks.” Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 522: 28–39.

Courtenay, Lloyd A., José Yravedra, Rosa Huguet, Andreu Ollé, Julia Aramendi, Miguel Ángel Maté-González, and Diego González-Aguilera. 2019. “New Taphonomic Advances in 3D Digital Microscopy: A Morphological Characterisation of Trampling Marks.” Quaternary International 517: 55–66.

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Cucchi, Thomas, Zsófia Eszter Kovács, Rémi Berthon, Annie Orth, François Bonhomme, Allowen Evin, Roohollah Siahsarvie, Jamshid Darvish, Veli Bakhshaliyev, and Catherine Marro. 2013. “On the Trail of Neolithic Mice and Men Towards Transcaucasia: Zooarchaeological Clues from Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan).” Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108 (4): 917–28.

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Duval, Colin, Sébastien Lepetz, Marie-Pierre Horard-Herbin, and Thomas Cucchi. 2015. “Did Romanization Impact Gallic Pig Morphology? New Insights from Molar Geometric Morphometrics.” Journal of Archaeological Science 57: 345–54.

Eren, Metin I., Briggs Buchanan, and Michael J. O’Brien. 2015. “Social Learning and Technological Evolution During the Clovis Colonization of the New World.” Journal of Human Evolution 80: 159–70.

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Evin, Allowen, Thomas Cucchi, Gilles Escarguel, Joseph Owen, Greger Larson, Una Strand Vidarsdottir, and Keith Dobney. 2014. “Using Traditional Biometrical Data to Distinguish West Palearctic Wild Boar and Domestic Pigs in the Archaeological Record: New Methods and Standards.” Journal of Archaeological Science 43: 1–8.

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